Between 28–32% of the Australian workforce is likely to work in an environment where they are exposed to loud noise at work. Noise-related injuries are most common in the manufacturing and construction industries with technicians and trades workers, machinery operators, drivers and labourers most exposed.
Noise-induced hearing loss cannot be cured, indicating the importance of prevention methods such as hearing protection.
Bronson Safety's range of earplugs and earmuffs are designed to reduce noise expose of workers in hazardously loud environments. It is recommended to conduct a workplace noise assessment to determine what level of hearing PPE is required for each workplace. Selecting an appropriate level of hearing protection is essential for employee ear health and safety, as ear protection must be worn at all times while in a loud environment.
Please refer to the following Australian Standards when considering the appropriate hearing protection requirements in your workplace:
AS/NZS 1269.0 Occupational Noise Management - Overview and General Requirements
This Standard provides an overview of the AS/NZS 1269 series and general requirements on occupational noise management. The series deals with noise as it affects hearing, but does not deal with other effects of noise. It also provides an integrated approach to establishing, implementing and evaluating an occupational noise management program.
AS/NZS 1269.1 Occupational Noise Management - Measurement and Assessment of Noise Emission and Exposure
This Standard sets out requirements for, and provides guidance on, the types of noise assessments which may be necessary and the suitable noise measuring instruments to carry the noise assessments out. The type of measuring instruments and procedures to be used for the measurement of noise levels will depend on such factors as the type of workplace, type of noise, work patterns and information required.
AS/NZS 1269.2 Occupational Noise Management - Noise Control Management
This Standard provides requirements and guidance on the management of noise control in occupational settings and applies to all types of workplaces and to all types of sounds.
AS/NZS 1269.3 Occupational Noise Management - Hearing Protector Program
This Standard specifies the administrative responsibilities associated with a hearing protector program; the selection, use and maintenance of various types of hearing protectors; and training and motivation in regards to hearing protector programs.
AS/NZS 1269.4 Occupational Noise Management - Auditory Assessment
This Standard specifies procedures and requirements for air conduction pure tone audiometry without masking that is applicable to individuals whose hearing sensitivity might be adversely affected by occupational noise exposure or ototoxic agents.